Friday, September 13, 2013

Week One in Ghana!

We have been in Ghana for a little over a week now and we are growing to love it more and more each day! We are having many new experiences and we are enjoying our time with Teddy and Ellie very much. The neighborhood kids have been congregating at our house each evening so we have had a lot of fun playing games and getting to know each of  them.  Amazingly enough, there are exactly eight children all together! It is such a blessing to learn how to interact with Ghanaian children before we even have our girls!

We have spent a good deal of time walking around town getting to know the shops and going to the market to buy our food which, thus far, has consisted of things such as rice and beans with assorted vegetables and fruit. There is a lady on the corner who sells delicious fried yams that we have been buying each day for lunch. We have also discovered “fan ice,” which are small packets of frozen yogurt and ice cream. It is the closest we can get to having regular dairy products in our diet, so we have been enjoying that greatly. The shops here have very original names such as the following: “Try Jesus Fashion”, “Jesus Our Captain Enterprises”, “God’s Timing” (a fruit stand) and “Amen Cold Store”.

Everyone here has been very hospitable and welcoming to us! We went to meet our host, Bernard today which was very encouraging. He is a very kind man and is eager to help us. Yesterday, they took us to see the Eight Oaks home. Great progress is being made, which is very encouraging!

We were able to spend the night last night in a guest house (which had a/c, a real toilet, sink and a shower! It was a wonderful break) We asked the man at the front desk, Godwin, how to get back to our house this morning. Instead of giving us directions, he walked us all the way back to the house! It is just one more example of the kindness the people of Ghana have shown us during our time here thus far.

Thank you all very much for your prayers and support.

Love from Akatsi,
Landon and Kate



  1. Wonderful update, love the pics also! People back home should know that you have NO REFRIGERATOR! We can hardly imagine life with no microwave...many adjustments for you and Landon, we're praying :) xoxo mom

  2. Oh my, the children are precious and beautiful!
    Claire Warrington's post was so beautiful, as well, about those who continue to live in the States but their hearts are in Africa.
    Thank you Teddy for acting on your God sized dream. I love you all and pray for your safety and effectiveness daily.
    Love - Momma Buffy

  3. thanks so much for the update Kate & Landon!! soo good to see where you are. the love you both have for these people is so evident!! Praying hard for you to be able to adjust & let God move thru you in this incredible place!! ALl our LOVE Uncle Freddie & Aunt Sharon
