Monday, November 10, 2014

Picture Post!

Happy Monday! It's been a pretty busy few weeks here at the Yellow House! The teachers of Ghana have been on strike again. Thankfully, the strike is over, and the girls went back to school today! They were so excited to be back. Here's a few pictures of what we've been up to.

Water balloons are the best form of entertainment
on a hot afternoon, which is every afternoon here!

Dina is incredible at any sport/game!
Such determination!

Small Sarah, on the other hand, usually
runs away from the balloon :) 

We celebrated Mama and Richlove's birthdays together.
Both are well loved, and such wonderful additions to the house. 

Snails! They're kinda cute, right?
We hid them in the bushes before anyone else could see them.
 Mercy and Helen send the girls on snail hunting
expeditions-they love to fry them up and eat them!

Dina blowing bubbles

Uncle's forts are improving!

This is what the girls do when they're bored: have weddings!
They are absolutely hilarious! Lucky was the bride this time,
 and Regina drew the short straw and played the groom.

I love her laugh :)

The Praise Team for the ceremony

The following day, it was Dina's turn to be the bride. 

Beautiful Richlove

The lovely bride! 

They used this skirt as a headpiece/veil.
They're so creative! 

This is our new friend, Sidhu Baba. He's an Indian man
working as a farmer here in Akatsi!

Godsway wrote the sweetest note to Landon.
It says, "God told Uncle to love everyone.
Uncle is a good man.
Uncle is a good brother.
I like Uncle.
Uncle like God. "
She is so sweet! 

That's about all from here! Thanks for checking in! 
Much love to you all, 
Kate and Landon :)


  1. Oh Kate! love the story you tell with pics!! the weddings, laughs, and snails!! um really. . . eat them?? please tell me they at least bring them to you to cook?? :) love, love, love your adventure!!

  2. My heart is full and my Monday is bright - thank you, Kate!

  3. Thanks for the pics and update...this Monday morning remember you are LOVED <3

  4. I love the water balloon fun!! wish I could be there to play with you all.. praying everyday for your last few weeks there!! enjoy every second cuz you WILL leave your heart there when you come home!! love you guys

  5. Thanks everyone! Haha Aunt Anita-they fry them! It's pretty gross, but definitely better than eating them raw! Haha. Thanks Aunt Sharon-you are so right, I know we'll miss them so very much!!! Love you all!
