The days have flown by since Teddy and Ellie left! They are
now safely in Kansas adapting to a huge change in climate and in culture. Meanwhile,
Landon and I have been busy working with Social Welfare, traveling to Ho
several times to extend our visas, completing projects around the house, and
most importantly, spending time with the girls!
The girls are doing very well! They look much healthier and
happier than when they first arrived in Akatsi, and they’ve improved in many
ways. Davi Mercy has been teaching them how to cook, which is a very important
skill for a Ghanaian women to possess. Most girls here prepare meals for their
families several times a week before they reach the age of 10! The girls did
not know much at first, but they are quickly learning.
Landon and I are in charge of having two English classes for
the girls every day. I’ve never seen anyone so excited to learn! They are
constantly asking to read bible stories and practice writing letters. Many of
them have had very little or no schooling, so we’ve been starting with the
basics. They are now able to identify some letters, objects, and speak in (semi)
complete English sentences! The other day (big) Sarah said to Landon, “Uncle,
you need to water the moringa trees!” We are very pleased at their progress,
but they have a lot of catching up to do. Since the schools in Ghana use
English, the girls need to learn as much as they can before they begin. Almost
all of the girls are bi-lingual. They speak two languages, Ewe and Twi. Now,
they are quickly on their way to becoming tri-lingual! We hope to put them into
school starting this January, but are waiting to see if the headmaster will
accept them.
That's all from here! Enjoy the wonderful snow and cold weather for us :)
Kate and Landon
they love each other :) |
English lesson with Landon! |
New church dresses for Richlove, Regina and Sarah. |
Just spinning :) |
I painted their nails-they LOVED it! |
Sarah Vi being adorable. |
They made "soldier hats" out of some cardboard they found lying around. These girls are so creative! |
And then they marched! |
Thanks so much for your prayers and support! We love and miss you all! :)