Monday, February 3, 2014

Hello everyone! If you haven't noticed, our blog is now PUBLIC once again! :) Thanks for bearing with us and our technological issues!

The girls are still loving school! They come home each afternoon and proudly display what they've learned that day. Their classes have been set-a few of them have been moved around a bit. We now have four girls in Kindergarten (Gloria, Regina, Sarah Jr, and Lucky), and four in class one (Dina, Sarah Sr, Richlove, and Godsway). They continue to be healthy and happy, for which we are very thankful.

Landon and I have been working on a project that we are really excited about! You'll hear more about it in the coming days :)

I've recently learned how to make lime ice cream using the limes from our tree! 
The girls LOVE it! They've all requested that I make it for their birthdays. :)
And now for a few pictures:

Sarah Junior gathering limes

Juicing limes to make ice cream! 

House-wide nap time!

How is this humanly possible??

Ever wondered how to get a papaya down from the tree? 
The girls are experts. This is their favorite mid-afternoon activity. 
They love papaya so much, they rarely have the patience to wait until they're ripe!

First, you climb the  tree.
(Easier said than done!)

Then, you poke the chosen papaya with a long
stick. If it's ripe, it will fall right to the ground!

Sarah Senior with the prized papaya

Lucky and Godsway dividing up the treasure

Papaya for everyone!

Thanks for checking in!
Love from us all!
Kate, Landon and the girls :)

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